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A. 165lbs
B. Worked on Static Holds to try and get a premo handstand down solid. Thanks Coach Sam.
C. 6 and change, racing Andre.


WCCF Crew,
I have posted this a couple of times but here is one more plug for this event. There is a GORUCK Light (6 hours)custom event happening on Oct. 18th here in Chicago for a the great cause of rasing money for Rett Syndrome.

This event would be a great way for some of you on the fence to get a taste of some "Good Linvin" as they say in the GORUCK community.

The link is below or please email me at michaelkturner at msn.com for more details.



A. 105, wrist wasn't feeling so good so called it early on these.
B. about 5 ladders
C. 6:10

Mr. Feb

Hooch; Mully, Super G, Sunshine and I will be at Trodo that day competing. Otherwise, I totally would have done this.

Keep us posted on future Rucks cause I still would love to do one.


Mr. Feb, will do. I won't steel J$'s thunder but I think there are some cool things on the horizon in regards to this:)


There's a challenge on Jan 23rd and a light the next day if you want to train to have ice water in your veins in more ways than one.


WCCF the Phillips Wildcats Play at Gately Stadium at 12:45 this Saturday. I know many of you were planning on coming out last Saturday maybe this one will work for you as well.


Up to 110# then failed the push press at 115#, not confident in those.
Walked up to do wall "runs". 3 rounds + 1
7:13 on the burpees.


A. 185
B. 3rds + 1,2
C. Done.


did strength program today with coach tony sunshine... awesome.

lots of explosive training, can't remember it all. but 3x10 dead lifts at 165 is going to leave a mark. thanks tony, great class.


155 on PP/jerk
5 rounds + 1 HSPU
6:31 on Burpees

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